We model our life and ministry after the life of Jesus and the rhythms of the New Testament church.
Discipleship happens in the context of community. The word "disciple" simply mean student or apprentice. We believe that a disciple is compelled by Christ's love to follow Jesus and experience new life in Christ in community with others. That's how Jesus made disciples. When Jesus called people to follow him, they joined his community. The walked with him, ate with him, and were with him as he did ministry. As you begin your journey following Jesus, we invite you to join our community so we can follow Jesus together.
How​ do you begin? At New Life we talk about friends, family and followers.
Friends - Like the crowds who were drawn to Jesus, you may be considering Christ and curious about faith. Maybe you have a need in your life or looking for a place to belong. We would love to be your friend. Jesus took time to eat and be with people far from God. We want to offer the same to you. You may already have a relationship with someone in our church. Maybe you're new and want to find out more about our church through our website or Facebook page. Maybe you send your son or daughter to NLCCS and you're getting to know people in our church. It could be you stop by on Sunday and worship with us. Maybe there are other events you attend. There are lots of ways to become friends.
Family - If you are already a believer or if you are ready to take this step and commit to Christ and his church (see Wondering About God?), God calls you to be part of his family and therefore also a part of a church family. We aren't meant to live our faith alone. God saves us into his covenant community. We would love to have you join our church. If you haven't made a public profession of faith yet or been baptized, we would love to help you take these important next steps (see Church Membership). Sunday worship is an important part of our weekly rhythm as brothers and sisters. We praise God together and lift up prayers to him. We hear God's word and strive to love and obey him. We also study God's word in Bible studies and small groups. We serve together both within and outside our church. We laugh and play, enjoy fellowship with one another. There are lots of ways to be family.
Followers - Finally, just like children spend time with their family and grow up to become adults like their parents, believers are called to commune with Jesus and conform to his image and likeness. Jesus told his disciples to "remain in me" or "abide in me" (John 15:1-7) so they could love and obey him. This is God's goal for our lives. He wants us to come to him and believe (justification). He also wants us to grow in him and bear fruit for him (sanctification). God gives us tools to help us do that. He tells us his word is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16-17). His word also matures us so we no longer just drink spiritual milk (1 Corinthians 3:2; Hebrews 5:12). Jesus sent the disciples out just as the Father sent him (John 20:21). He gave the disciples responsibility in ministry (Luke 9:1, 10:1; John 20:21). Paul encouraged older women to teach younger women (Titus 2:4). All of us are called to make disciples and pass on the faith (Matthew 28:18-20, 2 Timothy 2:2). In other words, he wants us to share the good news with others and pass on the faith. We are called to follow Jesus, grow as disciples and multiply the faith. That is our mission: to make and multiply disciples. Christ-likeness takes time and intentionality. Worship, study, fellowship and service are still important. But so is training. Courses like "Follow Me" and "Faithwalking" mature us. So does learning to sacrifice and suffer even when it's hard. Teaching and mentoring others, feeding yourself spiritually and serving beyond the church are all ways to stretch yourself. There are lots of ways to be a follower.