Our Children’s Ministry’s purpose is to provide a loving, safe, and engaging place for children to be planted in faith and to subsequently grow in Christ.
Children from birth through fifth grade are invited to join us each Sunday during our 10:00 a.m. worship service.
Birth to Three Years Old
We believe it’s never too early to teach little ones about Jesus. In our little one’s class, loving and joyful teachers help children learn about Jesus and His love for us through Bible stories, play, and snuggles.
Four Years Old through Fifth Grade
We desire to help children create a personal, lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ. Showing children that the Bible is not a collection of stories, but actually one beautiful story of redemption and salvation through Jesus is very important. Additionally, we also want children to understand three very important truths:
Jesus is a forever friend who we can talk to in prayer about anything
God’s love for us is bigger than any of us can imagine and His love for us will never run out
Through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, we are offered complete forgiveness and eternal salvation